Chapter 9 - General Provisions
Publication Date: September 1, 1997
Policy Reviewed Date: November 23, 2021
Policy Owner: VP for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
9.29 Naming of Buildings and Facilities
This is not the current policy. For the latest, click here.
The University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations contain certain policy guidelines on "Naming of Buildings and Other Facilities." Those guidelines appear in Part One, Chapter VIII, Section l. The Regents' Rules and Regulations reserve the ultimate decision on the naming of buildings and other facilities to the Board and specify that no commitment regarding the naming of a building or facility is to be made prior to the briefing and approval requirements of these Rules and Regulations. Naming recommendations are to be forwarded from the President of a component institution to the Board through the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor.
The naming of buildings and other facilities at the University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app), such as laboratories, classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoria, offices and common areas, is one manner in which the University can honor individuals important to the institution, such as deceased faculty, administrators and public officials; give prominent recognition for eminence in intellectual, artistic and other endeavors associated with the mission of the University, or show its appreciation for a substantial gift benefiting the University. Any recommendation for the naming of buildings, parts of buildings or outdoor areas of the campus shall be based on what is in the best interest of the University. Each naming proposal should take into account established criteria and other guidelines.
A naming honor must recognize a substantial contribution to the University. This can take the form of a financial contribution, an intellectual or artistic contribution, or service to or recognition brought to the University.
Financial Contribution
Providing appropriate recognition for contributions to the University is an essential component of 世界杯官方app's overall fund development program. The University may recognize a substantial gift benefiting the institution by naming a facility in appreciation for the gift. Each situation should be judged on its own merits and may take into account financial contributions made over a period of time, as well as significant monetary or in-kind gifts and the ability of a gift to stimulate gifts by other donors. The naming of a 世界杯官方app facility has a permanency to it that must reflect both dignity and significance as well as honor to the donor.
Intellectual or Artistic Contribution
A naming honor for a building or a major facility may be conferred on an individual who has served on the University faculty or staff for an extended period and who has earned national and international reputation for eminent achievement in his or her field of specialization.
Service To or Recognition Brought to the University
A naming honor for a building or a major facility may be conferred on an individual who has made truly exceptional contributions while employed by the University or who has been associated with the University and has achieved such unique distinction as to warrant such an honor.
Other Guidelines
The name should advance the reputation of the University as well as increase the understanding and public support for its programs.
The name should not confuse the public about location or function of the designated building or facility, but rather should enhance a visitor's ability to identify, locate and use it.
The naming of buildings and other facilities in honor of campus administrative officials, faculty, staff or elected or appointed public officials shall normally occur only after the campus employment or public service has concluded.
Recommendations for naming University facilities will be reviewed by the Vice President for External Relations. The President will seek additional appropriate input in determining what naming recommendation will be forwarded to the Chancellor's Office for final consideration by the Board of Regents.
Editorial Amendment: January 14, 2013